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How to utilise professional voicemail

Monday, 12th March 2018

At Enconvo, our job is to keep our customers’ businesses talking. Our priority is to make sure that our customers are using their business phone systems effectively to meet their business challenges and ensure that they are talking to their clients and partners in the most productive way possible.

Our team is constantly working with the latest technology and sharing these innovations with our customers to make their working life and their office technology as simple as possible. Sometimes however, the technology that we are most familiar with can be the technology that is the most overlooked yet the most useful. Voicemail is a great example of this.

As phone users, we have been using voicemail both in and out of work for years, but it is worth reminding ourselves just how crucial it can be for successful communication and efficiency within a business. Here are just 5 benefits of voicemail that we often forget about:

5 benefits of using voicemail effectively

Voicemail to email ensures messages are easily delivered

Some business phone systems, like the ones we offer at Enconvo, allow your voicemails to be delivered to you via email. This means that even if a customer or colleague contacts you with an important message out of office hours, while you are working remotely or while you are in a meeting, you can still pick up these messages quickly and easily. You can retrieve your voicemails from anywhere and on any device to make sure that no messages go unanswered.

Some clients prefer leaving voicemail than leaving a verbal or written message with a receptionist

A key point that can often be forgotten is that some customers would rather leave a voicemail than a message with a receptionist or one of your colleagues. Whether it’s for confidential reasons or just the peace of mind that the message will be received first hand by the intended recipient, having voicemail set up on your office phone system means that your customers can leave their feedback in the way they most prefer, hopefully improving customer satisfaction.

Voicemails allow for detail and accuracy

We all know how Chinese whispers can go. Post-its can go missing and messages can be relayed with distortion. Having voicemail means that your customers can leave you a message that includes more detail and doesn’t suffer miscommunication. You can be sure that all messages are received in their original states and therefore responses can be fully informed.

Voicemails can allow you to adequately prepare for returning a call

You can fit more in a voicemail than on a post-it and therefore setting up your business phone system with an adequate voicemail service can allow your customers to leave longer and more in-depth messages. This means that, before you return a call, you can do any necessary research and prepare your response accordingly.

Voicemail reduces the number of clients being put on hold

One of the biggest benefits of voicemail is that it reduces the number of customers that are kept on hold. By going through to a well set up voicemail system, messages can be left instantly without your customers experiencing any inconvenient wait times.

Even though your business may not be able to pick up every call your receive at every time of day, voicemail can help you to ensure that missed calls do not result in missed sales opportunities or disgruntled customers.

Want to find out how our telephony solutions can help you increase your productivity and reduce your costs? Or are you just looking for some friendly, impartial advice on the best tools to make communicating a breeze? We can help! Contact us today via our live chat, call 0333 3603 423, or email