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How secure are cloud phone systems?

Monday, 22nd August 2022
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Changing such a crucial part of your business operations as your phone system can seem daunting. This might be heightened if you’re conscious of data security and cybersecurity too – how will a cloud phone system stay safe from malware attacks and other hack activity? Is it more secure than a landline? What happens if there is a security breach?

Fortunately, cloud phone systems are secure, safe, and support businesses all over the world. To find out more about how secure cloud systems are, and what benefits your business could see in switching, read on.

What is a cloud phone system?

Cloud phone systems are a complete converged contact solution. They allow users to make calls from multiple devices, including desk phones, mobiles, laptops, tablets and more. Cloud phone systems use broadband connections to make calls and can facilitate voice and video calls. Users can also easily switch calls between devices for on-the-go work or preferences. Many cloud phone systems also allow the integration of apps for document sharing, note taking, smart office controls and conferencing capabilities. Data is stored on the cloud rather than on premises, making it much easier to set up and maintain.

What security risks are associated with cloud phones?

As cloud phones use broadband to operate and make calls, there is a small security risk that this connection could be used as a route in for a cyberattack. A full scale cyberattack is unlikely, but not impossible.

Other security risks for cloud phones are data breaches or unauthorised data access. As the cloud is designed to be a data-sharing platform, gaining unauthorised access to that data (including sensitive or personal data held on the system) is possible for a person who can manipulate their way into the system. As cloud data servers are often held off-site by a third party, companies rely on their providers to have the right level of security.

It’s important that users of cloud phone systems are also aware of the risk their own behaviours can pose. Weak password security, scam susceptibility and improper device protection can all contribute to a security risk both in the user account and the wider network.

How can I protect my cloud phone system and business?

The benefits of cloud phone systems absolutely outweigh any of the security risks. It’s also very straightforward to put in place measures to protect your cloud phone system from attacks. There are several measures you can implement to protect your system and business so your phone system can keep up to speed with the demands of your business.


A firewall system is a great solution to helping keep out viruses and attacks on your system. A firewall filters and scans data for potential attacks, preventing anything potentially harmful from getting access. They also protect against remote log in attacks, back door access attempts, and malicious data packets. Firewalls are a common security system and can be set up easily and securely to protect your network.

Multi factor authentication

Multi factor authentication requires users to log in and verify their accounts through multiple verified sources. This allows the system to be 100% sure of the user who wants access and helps reduce unauthorised access and hacking attempts. Multi factor authentication is typically centred around a username and password log in, plus a clickable email code, text message, or automated phone call. Often the authentication is across multiple devices too for extra security.

Best practice security

Educating employees on how to keep their cloud phone system secure is just as important as having the security there in the first place. Make sure staff are aware of the need for regular password updates, secure multi-factor authentication, how to report any suspicious activity, and what to be aware of and how to prepare for a data breach or cyberattack. If you store your servers off site, keep in touch with your supplier and make sure they’re up to speed with their security measures too. Regular updates of software to write out bugs and identify potential issues is also key, don’t let staff keep delaying those updates.

Why choose cloud phone systems over landlines?

It can be easy to assume that a landline phone will be more secure than a cloud phone, after all, it’s not connected to the internet which is the main security weakness of the cloud phone system. However, while landlines can offer slightly more security for calls, the drawbacks of choosing traditional copper phonelines over cloud systems is significant. Cloud phone systems offer advantages such as:

  • VoIP calls
  • Video calls
  • Call swapping (switch calls between devices)
  • App integration
  • Excellent call quality
  • Flexible for hybrid working
  • Scalable for growing businesses
  • Cheaper to install and maintain than traditional landlines
  • Use across multiple sites

Enconvo offer complete business cloud phone solutions and IT security options too, so you know your network is completely secure when you choose a solution from Enconvo.

Choose a secure cloud phone system from Enconvo today and start discovering the benefits of cloud telephony for your business.