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A robust, uncontested connection for up to 40% less than fibre

What does EFM Broadband deliver for your business?

It’s tough, reliable, affordable and easy to install. That’s why it’s no wonder that EFM (Internet in the First Mile) is one of the most popular leased lines.

It may be cost-effective, but that doesn’t mean you compromise. You don’t share your connection with anyone else and we tailor it to suit your business perfectly so you only pay for what you need. It’s the ideal broadband solution if you use SIP, cloud telephony, video conferencing and you regularly upload tons of data. It takes everything you throw at it, and it could save you up to 40% less than a fibre leased line.


  • Speeds of 2Mbps to 30Mbps available
  • Symmetrical upload and download
  • Up to 40% cheaper than leased lines
  • Lower rental and installation costs
  • Supports IP data services
  • Fully uncontended connection
  • Guaranteed bandwidth
  • Comprehensive SLAs

Why EFM Broadband is great for your business

Rapid setup

Higher speeds, lower costs

An affordable way to improve your connectivity, but not pay more

Dedicated line

The connections is all yours – you no longer suffer as a result of your bandwidth being overloaded

Reliable System Stability

Fail-safe connectivity

Built-in business grade resilience with an automatic fail-safe that prevents service interruption

Universally available

Available throughout the UK, and installation is quick and easy


Step 1 of 2

Your information is 100% secure.